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How much does a guide dog cost?

The purchase, care and training of a guide dog is a major investment. The number of working hours that a dog trainer has to invest in training the dog and training the ‘beneficiary guide dog’ team means that one trainer can only train 2 to 3 dogs a year. This means a guide dog will ‘cost’ approximately 43.500 euro. (without the input of volunteers, like host families whom raise the puppies during the course of one year, the price of a guide dog would be much higher).

Despite this high cost price, Scale Dogs sticks to its principle: the person with a visual impairment should not have to make a personal financial contribution to get their guide dog. We do, however, request that they submits an application to the VAPH, PHARE or AVIQ (depending on the region where the candidate lives) to receive a financial contribution to obtain their guide dog.