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You Wish to Request a Guide Dog

The Application

In case you would like to request a guide dog or wish to receive more information about the procedure,you can contact Scale Dogs by phone (tel 02-660 77 56 GSM 0473-30 24 27), per mail (, or by sending us a letter (Scale Dogs vzw- Brusselsesteenweg 187 – 1560 Hoeilaart)

Discussing your Application by Telephone

After receiving your request one of the instructors will contact you to discuss your possible candidacy. After that, a first appointment will be made at your home to get acquainted and provide you with all required information.

First Introduction Meeting

During the first meeting we will discus your expectations and wishes, the work offer for the dog, the living environment,… If you wish to apply as a candidate, we will make a new appointment to complete the application form together. During this visit you will of course once again have the opportunity to ask us all the questions you still have.

Intake Interview and O&M Evaluation

During the intake interview we fill in the questionnaire regarding your candidacy together (to the extent that this was not done during the introductory visit). We will also go out together to evaluate your orientation, mobility and walking pace.

Waiting List

If you meet the criteria, you will be put onto our waiting list to receive a guide dog. One of our instructors will contact you as soon as a dog that matches your profile is close to finishing its training.